Rp 3,300,000.00
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> Kondisi barang Ready Stock.
> Langsung kalibrasi.
> Harga sudah termasuk kalibrasi pertama kali dan pengiriman ke tempat tujuan.
> Jika menghendaki transaksi an. Perusahaan, maka harga masih belum termasuk ppn 10%. (Jika ingin transaksi resmi bukan pribadi).

Card dosimeters
2, 3 or 4 TLD elements are assembled into rigid aluminum cards and mounted within shielded filter-holders.
EXT-RAD dosimeters
Featuring cold sterilization with efficient handling and processing the System comprises:
• Barcoded 1- or 2-element chipstrate dosimeters
• Adjustable, reusable finger rings with elements in sealed pouches
• Barcoded carrier cards for readout after exposure
DXT-RAD dosimeters
Featuring hot or cold sterilization with fast readout, the System comprises:
• TL-100/TL-700 disk dosimeters with novel and permanent individual barcodes
• Sealed disposable finger rings - sterilized hot or cold
• Ring sealing and chip extraction
• Carrier cards for readout after exposure
Material features
• Available in the form of powders and accurately machined, optically transparent disks, rods, chips and cubes
• Accurate for X-, gamma, beta, electron and neutron radiations according to choice of material
• Simulate "point detector" in medical physics applications
• Reusable hundreds of times
• Independent of dose rate up to 1000 MGy/s
• Long-term response retention
• Powder form only for TLD-900 (CaSO4:Dy)
Special features of TLD-100 (LiF:Mg,Ti)
• Nearly tissue-equivalent
• ± 15% sample-to-sample uniformity
• Repeatability to within 2% or better
Handling and thermal treatment
Consistent, well-controlled and repeatable procedures are the key to successful TLD. Variations in annealing temperature will affect dosimeter sensitivity, for example.
The following guidelines are advisable to optimize the reproducibility of bare dosimeters.
Vacuum tweezers should always be used. (Avoid mechanical tweezers or fingers). Small scratches, loss of mass or foreign deposits affect light emission).
Rinse the dosimeters in analytical grade anhydrous methyl alcohol between normal uses. (Do not soak). Dry by leaving to evaporate for at least one hour. Anneal once before actual use, accurately following the established procedure. The anneal will also assist in removing any residual methyl alcohol.
For annealing temperatures up to 400 °C, the containers should be made from high temperature stainless steel or oxidized aluminum, preferably thin to assist rapid cooling following annealing. (Do not use non-oxidized aluminum).
The use of a dedicated annealing oven reduces the risk of contamination by foreign material. Place the annealing containers on open oven racks with air space all round to avoid inconsistent heat gradients. (Do not stack containers or allow them to touch the oven walls).
CAUTION - Sensitivity to Ultraviolet Light
Calcium Fluoride Dysprosium (TLD-200), Aluminum Oxide (TLD-500) and Calcium Sulfate Dysprosium (TLD-900) are extremely sensitive to UV light.
These materials should be handled and used in the absence of UV light and stored in opaque containers.
Calcium Fluoride Manganese (TLD-400) is moderately UV light sensitive.
Limiting temperatures
Temperature Significance
240 °C limit for LiF:Mg,Cu,P materials
300 °C limit for PTFE encapsulation
400 °C limit for Kapton encapsulation
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