We concern to health and safety


Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

Barrier Lites Lead Glasses Without Side Shields

Quick Overview

Barrier Lites™

A lightweight, fashionable, wrap around frame. The comfortable facial contour assures a close secure fit that also provides some splash protection. Peripheral vision is unobstructed by the frame. Available with or without lead sheeting as a side shield placed on the inside between the end of the lens and the ear piece.

  • Weight: 60 grams

  • Eye Portal Height: 35mm

  • Width: 130mm 

  • Lead Equiv: Front: .75mmPb 

  • Side Shields: .35mmPb (optional) 

  • Prescriptions: Single, Bifocal 

  • A snap on cord as well as a cloth croakie are supplied in a hard case.

  • 2 yr warranty

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